谢江波,博士,浙江农林大学副教授、硕士生导师。本科毕业于中南大学数学科学与计算技术学院,后跨专业获得植物硕士学位,然后获得中国科学院生态学博士学位,博士后又从事水文水资源方向的研究工作,因此具有丰富的跨学科教学和科研经验。目前完成国家自然科学基金和中国博士后基金各一项。曾任Pedosphere,Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,Environmental Earth Sciences,Environmental Management,Scientific Reports等国际期刊审稿人。目前以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章14篇,其中SCI 7篇。
曾开设硕士研究生课程:理论生态学。开设本科生课程:生物统计学,生物信息学R语言,生物信息学MATLAB语言,普通生态学,农业生态学,General Biology专业英语。
1.Xie, J. B., Xu G.Q., Jenerette G. D., Bai Y. F., Wang Z. Y., Li Y. Apparent plasticity in functional traits determining competitive ability and spatial distribution: a case from desert.Scientific Reports.2015, 5, 12174; doi: 10.1038/srep12174.
2.Xie J.B., Xu G.Q., Cao X., WangZ. Y., Li Y. When the classical reaction norm is corrected by body size.Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.2015, 17, 454-466.
3.Zhang Y.,Xie J.B.(共同第一作者),Li Y.Effects of increasing root carbon investment on the mortality and resprouting of Haloxylon ammodendron seedlings under drought.Plant Biology.2016, doi:10.1111/plb.12511.
4.Zhang Y., Li Y.,Xie J.B.(通讯作者).Fixed allocation patterns, rather than plasticity, benefit recruitment and recovery from drought in seedlings of a desert shrub.AoB Plants.2016, doi:10.1093/aobpla/plw020.
5.Xie J.B., Tang L.S., Wang Z.Y., Xu G.Q., Li Y. Distinguishing the Biomass Allocation Variance Resulting from Ontogenetic Drift or Acclimation to Soil Texture.PLoS ONE.2012, 7(7): e41502. doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0041502.
6.Xie, J.B., Liu, T. Characterization of spatial scaling relationships between vegetation pattern and topography at different directions in Gurbantunggut desert, China.Ecological Complexity, 2010, 7, 234-242.
7.Wang Z.Y.,Xie J.B.(共同第一作者), Li Y. Safety-efficiency trade-offs in the cotton xylem: acclimatization to different soil textures.Journal of Arid Land.2016, 8(3), 443-452
8.Han, Z.-Q., T. Liu, Q. Sun, R. Li,Xie, J.B.,B.-L. Li. Application of compound interest laws in biology: Reunification of existing models to develop seed bank dynamics model of annual plants.Ecological Modelling.2014,278, 67-73.
9.Xu G.Q., Yu D.D.,Xie J.B., Tang L.S., Li Y. What makesHaloxylon persicumto grow on sand dunes whileH. ammodendrongrows on interdune lowlands?Journal of Arid Land.2014, 5, 581-591.
10.谢江波, 钟文昭, 王忠媛, 徐贵青, 王玉刚, 李彦.木质部导水系统效率-安全权衡主导生物量分配——棉花对土壤质地的适应.生态学杂志, 2013, 32(10): 2598–2605.
11.谢江波,刘彤等. 小波分析方法在心叶驼绒藜(Ceratoides ewersmanniana)空间格局尺度推绎研究中的应用.生态学报.2007, 27(7), 2704−2714.
12.谢江波,刘彤等. 多尺度上的多物种多格局——以莫索湾沙漠四种灌木及其生境为例.生态学报.2008, 28(5), 2176-2190.
13.王忠媛,谢江波, 王玉刚, 李彦. 温度对盐土和碱土土壤无机CO2通量的影响.生态学杂志, 2013, 32(10): 2525–2531.
14.王忠媛,谢江波, 王玉刚, 李彦. 盐碱土土壤无机CO2通量与土壤盐碱属性的关系.生态学杂志, 2013, 32(10): 2552–2558.
15.王忠媛, 王玉刚,谢江波, 李彦. 盐土和碱土土壤无机CO2通量的分离.干旱区地理,2013, 36(4): 655-661.
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